Twist Bioscience
2020 年 11 月 2 日
阅读用时 5 分钟

利用 Twist Bioscience 基因进行酵母工程,以建设微生物药厂

研究人员利用 Twist Bioscience 基因片段,从面包酵母中的茄属植物中重建了一条完整的生物合成通路。

 Relying on existing agricultural practices and global supply chains to furnish medicinal products derived from plants is a recipe for drug shortages. This very situation arose in late 2019 when the FDA reported a shortage of vincristine derived from periwinkle, an essential chemotherapy drug for treating childhood cancer. In a recent issue of Nature, Stanford researchers Christina Smolke and Prashanth Srinivasan present an alternative approach to plant-derived drug synthesis: genetically engineered baker’s yeast.  


Baker 酵母为什么对基因工程和药物生产有用?




The FDA currently reports Scopolamine as “in shortage” and reported the same for hyoscyamine in 2019. To combat such shortages, researchers are looking into microbial fermentation-based biosynthesis as a platform for highly scalable drug synthesis operating outside the agricultural constraints for plant-derived compounds. Yeast grows much faster than plants, is relatively simple to modify its metabolism, and humankind already has a long history of microbial fermentation for high-value products. However, yeast doesn’t naturally make plant metabolites, so it first needs to be engineered.


In their 2020 study, Smolke and Srinivasan presented the first strain of yeast capable of synthesizing both hyoscyamine and scopolamine. This feat required thirty-four metabolic modifications in total – including twenty-six gene additions and eight gene deletions. Critically, the authors’ work highlights how Twist Gene Fragments can be used to transplant entire functional biosynthetic pathways from plants to baker’s yeast. 




Smolke 和 Srinivasan 从预先设计的酵母菌株开始,以合成两种药物的关键前体 —— 托品碱。然后,作者对该菌株进行了工程改造,以合成称为 PLA 葡萄糖苷的第二种前体。托品碱和 PLA 葡萄糖苷可自发形成第三个前体 —— 阿托品杂质。然后,一系列的酶促步骤可以修改阿托品杂质,以生产药用化合物莨菪碱和东莨菪碱。




Yeast Engineering 利用茄属植物中的东莨菪碱通路建立了一家微生物药厂
抗晕车药物东莨菪碱是天仙子属(莨菪;左)的次级代谢产物。通路(右)显示了在天仙子属植物中东莨菪碱合成的步骤。Smolke 和 Srinivasan 设计了酵母,使其包含东莨菪碱微生物发酵的部分通路。来源:Wikicommons(左)和 Wikicommons(右)


Some of these problems were solved simply enough. Take, for example, the plant enzyme that generates precursors for PLA glucoside synthesis. Merely expressing the plant enzyme in yeast failed to produce a functional reaction. Fortunately, bacteria and other yeast species also express similar enzymes. Smolke and Srinivasan screened a range of candidate enzymes for activity in their yeast strain and landed on one from Wickerhamia fluorescens, a species of large yeast.


在生物合成通路中发现倒数第二个酶更具挑战性。Smolke 和 Srinivasan 首先探索在线数据库中可用的丰富基因组数据,以获取与已知的托烷生物碱生物合成基因同时具有活性的基因。确定了 12 个潜在候选基因之后,作者筛选了他们产生东莨菪碱的能力。此筛选导致发现了莨菪碱脱氢酶,即产生莨菪碱的酶。




还有另一种将蛋白质带入酵母液泡的方法。Smolke 和 Srinivasan 认为,他们可以通过将酶伪装成分泌通路膜上的一类特殊蛋白质,从而利用蛋白质工程技术来绕过此要求密码的过程。这些蛋白质是有效的VIP,可自动通过包括液泡在内的整个分泌通路。




用于酵母工程与微生物发酵 Twist Bioscience 基因片段


In recreating tropane alkaloid biosynthesis in yeast, Smolke and Srinivasan utilized Twist Gene Fragments to express all non-yeast genes. That includes direct enzyme “transplants” from plants, modified plant enzymes, alkaloid transporters, and enzymes derived from other eukaryotes. Twist Gene Fragments enable plug-and-play cloning and benefit from an industry-leading low error rate, simplifying the construction of complex biosynthetic pathways. 


尽管该项研究代表了重要的合成生物学成就,但仍需要将这种微生物发酵过程的 30-80 µg/L 产量提高至商业生产水平(〜5 g/L)。Smolke 和 Srinivasan 指出,这可以通过优化构成其生物合成通路的酶,以及识别有助于细胞内途径的新蛋白质来实现。即使如此,这项开创性技术还是科学文献中提出的最复杂的合成代谢通路之一,为产生源自植物的复杂治疗化合物提供了前景有望的解决方案。





